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Sistem Imunologi

Sistem Imunologi
Oleh: dr. M Fathoni Utomo
Kuliah Ilmu Dasar Keperawatan
Program S1 Ilmu Keperawatan

Organ Limfoid
Struktur Kelenjar Getah Bening
Fisiologi Kelenjar Getah Bening
Hubungan Sistem Limfatik dan Pembuluh Darah
Struktur Limpa
Fungsi Limpa
Within the white pulp, B cells and T cells carry out immune functions, similar to lymph nodes, while spleen macrophages destroy blood-borne pathogens by phagocytosis. 
Within the red pulp, the spleen performs three functions related to blood cells:
  1. removal by macrophages of ruptured, worn out, or defective blood cells and platelets;
  2. storage of platelets, up to one-third of the body’s supply;
  3. production of blood cells (hemopoiesis) during fetal life.
Struktur Thymus
Struktur Tonsil
Peran Sel Darah
Sistem Imun Tubuh
Sistem Barier Tubuh
Fagosit dan Fagositosis
A fever is an elevation of core temperature caused by a resetting of the hypothalamic thermostat.
The most common causes of fever are viral or bacterial infections and bacterial toxins; other causes are ovulation, excessive secretion of thyroid hormones, tumors, and reactions to vaccines.
When phagocytes ingest certain bacteria, they are stimulated to secrete a pyrogen, a fever-producing substance.
One pyrogen circulates to the hypothalamus and induces neurons of the preoptic area to secrete prostaglandins.
Some prostaglandins can reset the hypothalamic thermostat at a higher temperature, and temperature-regulating reflex mechanisms then act to bring the core body temperature up to this new setting.
Antipyretics are agents that relieve or reduce fever. Examples include aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen, all of which reduce fever by inhibiting synthesis of certain prostaglandins.
  1. Demam adalah peningkatan suhu inti disebabkan oleh ulang dari termostat hipotalamus.
  2. Penyebab paling umum dari demam adalah infeksi virus atau bakteri dan racun bakteri; penyebab lain ovulasi, sekresi berlebihan dari hormon tiroid, tumor, dan reaksi terhadap vaksin.
  3. Ketika fagosit menelan bakteri tertentu, mereka dirangsang untuk mengeluarkan pirogen, zat penghasil demam.
  4. Satu pirogen bersirkulasi ke hipotalamus dan menginduksi neuron dari daerah preoptik untuk mengeluarkan prostaglandin.
  5. Beberapa prostaglandin dapat mereset termostat hipotalamus pada suhu yang lebih tinggi, dan suhu-mengatur mekanisme refleks kemudian bertindak untuk membawa suhu tubuh inti sampai saat ini pengaturan baru.
  6. Antipiretik adalah agen-agen yang menghilangkan atau mengurangi demam. Contoh termasuk aspirin, asetaminofen dan ibuprofen, semua yang mengurangi demam dengan menghambat sintesis prostaglandin tertentu.
NK Cells
Proses Inflamasi
Skema Proses Inflamasi
Neutrofil dan Inflamasi
Agen Inflamasi
Peran Interferon
Sistem Komplemen
The complement system is a group of 20 or more  globulins that aid in nonspecific resistance and specific immunity.
These proteins include C1 through C9, factors B, D, and P, plus several regulatory proteins.
Complement provides a major mechanism for destroying foreign substances in the body.
MAC is (membrane attack complex) .
Diferensiasi Sel T dan Sel B
Imunitas Humoral dan Seluler
Aktivasi Sel T Helper (CD-4) dan Sel T Sitotoksik (CD-8)
Cara Kerja Sel T Helper
Cara Kerja Sel T Sitotoksik
Aktivasi Sel B
Sistem Kekebalan Humoral
Antigens have two important characteristics: immunogenicity and reactivity.
  1. Immunogenicity is the ability to provoke an immune response by stimulating the production of specific antibodies, the proliferation of specific T cells, or both. The term antigen derives from its function as an antibody generator.
  2. Reactivity is the ability of the antigen to react specifically with the antibodies or cells it provoked.
  • Entire microbes or parts of microbes may act as antigens.
  • Chemical components of bacterial structures such as flagella, capsules, and cell walls are antigenic, as are bacterial toxins.
  • Nonmicrobial examples of antigens include chemical components of pollen, egg white, incompatible blood cells, and transplanted tissues and organs.
Typically, just certain small parts of a large antigen molecule act as the triggers for immune responses.
These small parts are called epitopes, or antigenic determinants.
Most antigens have many epitopes, each of which induces production of a specific antibody or activates a specific T cell.
Struktur Antibodi
Macam dan Fungsi Antibodi
Kerja Antibodi
Respon Antibodi
Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Tipe I (Alergi/Immediate)
Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Tipe II (Sitotoksik)
Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Tipe III (Kompleks Ag-Ab)
Reaksi Hipersensitivitas Tipe IV (Delayed)
Jazakumullah Khairan

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